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A good image on a large scale



When you say something clearly, you are more hearable. If more people hear you, you can count on more answers. This is how large-format advertising works, including large balloons and pneumatic figures, often called blowers. A large scale gives great opportunities. It is worth to use them:

Figures that talk HERE

Let yourself be seen from a distance – when the customer sees where you are, he or she will be able to learn more. Professional pneumatic figures with individual printing is a way to quickly distinguish your event and strengthen your company’s image.
Blown elements can be used to create gates, walls, to put up posts with logos or other company graphics. It’s the identification of your brand applied on a truly architectural scale. In addition, the whole structure is easy to set up and carry. Blowers can be very large and still very light.
These are mainly two ingredients – your image and air.

Figures that say WORTHWHILE

Large-scale advertising also means trust. You manifest with it the good condition of the company and openness to customers. You show that you are always close to them. The customer, having a choice between a company that he has seen on many occasions and a company that he does not know at all, will willingly choose a smaller risk – namely you.

Pneumatic figures – full scale, full offer

The blower can take the form of for example:

  • a ball (from 2 m to 6 m high)
  • a light bulb (also from 2 to 6 m)
  • a gate (rectangular, curved, round)
  • a screen (from 6 to 8 m wide)
  • a post (normal or QuickUp)
  • a tent (spider)

or any other.

Figures on request

Yes, any one – because we also sew blowers and completely individual figures, e.g. in the shape of a product or a client’s company mascot. It can be a bottle of drink, a ball or anything else. If you need something really surprising, just write to us.

Figures for any other occasion

Balloons in large sizes are most often ordered for corporate events, but we serve all kinds of events: city marathons or other sports events, city and district festivals and similar occasions. Where there are many people, it is difficult to stand out in the crowd and in the abundance of advertisements. When you want to show something or say something clearly – or very clearly – a pneumatic figure will do it perfectly.

There are even more advantages:

Inflatable advertising

  • does not require monthly payment like a billboard or a newspaper advertisement
  • can be used several times for years
  • is easy to be stored out of season is an experienced supplier of:

  • advertising balloons in large and very large sizes
  • inflatable elements of architecture (gates, posts…)
  • Inflatable advertising screens
  • inflatable figures (so-called “blowers”)
  • prints on large advertising balloons
  • 100% individual orders (balloon sewing and printing according to the customer’s concept)