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Latex balloons with logo

Lift your image up in the air


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Foil balloons with logo

Permanent print on balloons that hold helium up to 30 times longer than latex balloons!


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Balony giganty

Giant balloons with logo

The big balloon is a great advertisement. A big advertisement means high effectiveness.A simple recipe for a big promotional success.


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Balloons and pneumatic figures

A good image on a large scale


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Balloons printing guide

The following guide will go through step by step the process of a balloon order, so whether it’s your first time ordering printed balloons or you just want to check alternative ways you could consider this guide is here to help.

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Celebration balloons

Decoration of the event full of helium and joy


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22 August 2024 r. Balony reklamowe zawsze w modzie

Reklama dźwignią handlu? Niezmiennie! A skoro o dźwiganiu mowa – balony reklamowe od lat doskonale sobie radzą z promowaniem firm i rozmaitych przedsięwzięć. To jeden z najprostszych, najbardziej ekonomicznych i uniwersalnych sposobów na wyniesienie reklamy na wyższy poziom – dosłownie i w przenośni. Branża marketingu i reklamy stale się rozwija, do gry wchodzą nowoczesne technologie … Continued

15 August 2024 r. Co to jest lateks i jakie ma zastosowanie?

Lateks (mleczko kauczukowe łac. latex sok, płyn.) – koloidalny roztwór kauczuku naturalnego (lateks naturalny) lub syntetycznego (lateks syntetyczny) w substancji płynnej. Lateks naturalny jest pozyskiwany bezpośrednio z soku mlecznego roślin kauczukodajnych. Sposób otrzymywania Drzewo kauczukowe jest nacinane, a mleczko kauczukowe spływa do zbiorników. Wszystko to odbywa się we wczesnych godzinach rannych od 5 do 10, … Continued

02 August 2024 r. Neon party – jak zorganizować

Nadeszły czasy oryginalnych i zjawiskowych pomysłów na imprezy. Dzisiaj nie wystarczy już zaproponowanie motywu gościom, by bawili się oni świetnie aż do białego rana oraz chwalili gospodarza za przygotowanie tej imprezy. Musimy też skupić się na dekoracjach, które uświetnią każdą imprezę.  Nadszedł czas na neon party! Dlaczego impreza w stylu neon party? To aktualnie jeden … Continued

Custom printed balloons

Balloons? Not just for children! They are a versatile and timeless advertising medium and the perfect way to display a company logo, an occasional inscription or any other message. The balloon business is all about quality, precision and an individual approach to every order, and we… we have it all! We specialise in lifting your ideas into the air! We offer the highest quality, clear and solid printing on foil and latex balloons (available in many shapes and colours, also in giant versions!) as well as inflatable (pneumatic) balloons and figures.

Balloons with your company logo

Does your company have a logo? We have the balloons, that your company logo will look great on! We are a manufacturer of top-quality balloons and we can display on them any artwork or inscription. Balloons with logos are one of the simplest and cheapest way to promote your brand. They are ideal for all kinds of corporate events, trade shows and fairs. They are also perfect as promotional gadgets, which are often used by families with children. The wide range of shapes and colours, the intensity of colours and the first-class quality of each print guarantee an unbeatable balloon with a clear message!

Balloons with your own logo

Do you have your own idea of use of the balloons? Weddings or perhaps a round anniversary or hen party? We believe, that any occasion is a good one to celebrate… with a printed balloon! Balloons allow you to build any atmosphere and rock any party! We take pleasure in fulfilling classic orders for balloons with an inscription or a number (or both at the same time!) as well as unconventional, crazy and surprising ones. For our specialists, there are no impossible things and no orders that cannot be developed and transferred to the surface of the balloon of your choice.

Questions? Doubts? Problems with the design? Lack of ideas? You have our full support at every stage of your balloon adventure!